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What We Do 

As student pharmacists at APhA-ASP MCPHS Boston, we advocate for patient care, community services, policy & advocacy, member engagement, and so much more! On average, we host 80+ large-scale and small-scale events and programs annually for student pharmacists and individuals within our community. 


Below are some of the amazing types of projects and events that we have done at our chapter! Stay tuned for more!

General Meetings

We have general meetings during Activities Period (12:30pm-1:20pm) on pre-determined dates (Tuesday/Thursday). Everyone is welcome to join us and learn more about our upcoming events & programs!


Professionalism & Networking

We invite guest speakers who are pharmacists working in prestigious hospitals, clinics, companies and pharmacies for students to learn more about different pathways in the pharmacy profession with networking opportunities. Some of our most outstanding events include Dining Etiquette, Mentor-Mentee Program, Midyear Regional Meeting (MRM) and Annual Meeting with APhA-ASP!

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Patient Care & Community Service

As future healthcare providers, patient care and community service are our key focus. Our chapter has multiple Operation Committees who are dedicated to hosting educational programs and healthcare info sessions for local schools, community centers and the general public. 

Policy & Advocacy

We strive to advocate for the future of the pharmacy profession by submitting proposals to APhA-ASP MRM, visiting Massachusetts State House and hosting info sessions to raise public awareness of the roles that pharmacists can play in the healthcare system.

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Member Engagement

We value the efforts and involvements that our dedicated members have invested in us. All members are highly encouraged to become a national member with APhA-ASP to receive additional benefits as student pharmacists and to apply for E-board positions. Outstanding members will be recognized at the end of each month and each semester!

Social Events

We are not only a professional organization, but we are also a Pharmily! Pharmacy school is definitely not easy, and we also need to have fun! Outside of classes, you can find our members de-stressing with dogs, participating in Zumba or Yoga classes, and attending Red Dress Ball to raise funds for American Heart Association!

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