APhA-ASP 2022-2023 Executive Board Application is Now Open! Click here for the leadership position descriptions within our executive board and the application form. The application form will close on February 20th at 11:59pm.
APhA-ASP Spring General Meetings Save the dates for APhA-ASP Spring 2022 General Meetings! Click here for the Zoom link or scan the QR code below.
Upcoming Events!
Narcan Training
Operation Substance Use Disorder is hosting Narcan Training throughout the semester. During these sessions students will learn how to save lives with Narcan. They will learn how to recognize and reverse an opioid overdose. There will also be a certificate of attendance sent out to all people who come! Use the QR code below to sign up.
OTC Medication Flyer Contest OTC Med Safety is hosting an OTC Medications Flyer Contest about common OTC products including their active ingredients, usage, side effects and other fun facts from January 27th to February 26th. Participant will get the chance to submit up to 2 submissions to aphan1@stu.mcphs.edu but the only one from each participant might be chosen to be evaluated. 5 winners will be chosen to win Amazon gift cards.
Step Challenge Please join Operation Heart for their monthly step challenge from February 1st-27th and March 1st-27th. Weekly winners will receive a water bottle and the top three finalists will be awarded Amazon gift cards. Scan the QR code to access the Google form to submit your steps!
International Student Panel: APPE Students Join APhA-ASP IPSF in welcoming 3 guest speakers: Rohan Zaveri, Angie (Ji Yoon) Kim, and Shreya Asher. As international students in their last year of the PharmD program, they will come talk and answer questions about their navigation through the program and prospective goals after post-graduation.
Yoga Session Series Please come join APhA-ASP Operation Diabetes in a virtual yoga session to promote a healthy lifestyle. Active participants will be eligible to win one of three prizes. This event is February 24th, March 17th, and April 7th from 6:30-7:30pm via zoom. Click here for Zoom link or scan the QR code below.
APhA-ASP Feedback Survey Fill out this survey about APhA-ASP by February 25th to enter for a chance to win a gift card!
Information Session on Diabetes Related Devices Come join us for an information session with Dr. Goldman on proper use of diabetes related devices such as diabetes medication delivery and insulin pens.
Transitioning Membership for Third Year PharmD Students
Become a national member with us through the link below and remember to renew your membership if you haven't!
Contact our executive board members by clicking on their names:President: Christie Ma
President-elect: Mai Le
Membership VP: Sabrina Zhang
Secretary: Natalie Ourfalian
Communications VP: Jeet Sheth
Treasurer: Hannah Ashton
Treasurer-elect: Chris (Caiqi) Wei
Policy VP: Jianxiang WengPatient Care VP: Tiana (Tien) Le
Operation Immunization: Kevin Liu
Operation SUD: Colby Chatoff
Operation Heart: Noheul (Raina) Kim
Operation Women's Health: Yuan-Yuan Lin
Operation OTC: Nicholas Phan
Operation Diabetes: Ashley Parola
IPSF VP: Jiwon Jeong