Hi everyone, We are excited to announce the launch of our Chapter Website! Click here to check it out and learn more about the organization, meet the eboard, look at our upcoming events calendar, and lots more! The website will be hyperlinked at the bottom of all our emails.
Today's Events!
Membership Drive APhA-ASP is holding our Fall Membership Drive for MCPHS students. By joining a professional organization, you can help ease the transition into your professional years of pharmacy school. APhA‐ASP will help you meet new people, learn about current issues facing pharmacy practice, participate in career development opportunities, and help personal and professional growth. This is a great opportunity for students to become familiar with the opportunities, resources, and APhA membership benefits. These are designed to be accessible to those on campus, those on experientials, or pursing a variety of career opportunities after graduation. Many of our APhA resources are available 24/7 on www.pharmacist.com
Become a national member with us through the link below and remember to renew your membership if you haven't! Click Here to SIGN UP BECOME AN OFFICIAL MEMBER / RENEW MEMBERSHIP
Contact our executive board members by clicking on their names:
President: Christie Ma
President-elect: Mai Le
Membership VP: Sabrina Zhang
Secretary: Natalie Ourfalian
Communications VP: Jeet Sheth
Treasurer: Hannah Ashton
Treasurer-elect: Chris (Caiqi) Wei
Policy VP: Jianxiang WengPatient Care VP: Tiana (Tien) Le
Operation Immunization: Kevin Liu
Operation SUD: Colby Chatoff
Operation Heart: Noheul (Raina) Kim
Operation Women's Health: Yuan-Yuan Lin
Operation OTC: Nicholas Phan
Operation Diabetes: Ashley Parola
IPSF VP: Jiwon Jeong