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Writer's pictureAPhA-ASP MCPHS Boston

Weekly Email 10/12/2021

Hi everyone,

Our second general meeting is this Thursday, October 14th from 12:20pm to 1:20pm EST. Click here for the Zoom link.

Upcoming Events!

IPSF Student Exchange Program

APhA-ASP is the Full Member Organization representing the United States to International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation (IPSF). As a member of APhA-ASP you are automatically a member of IPSF, with no additional paperwork or dues required. As the leading worldwide federation of student pharmacists, IPSF's goal is to advocate for student pharmacists and improve public health. IPSF hosts the Student Exchange Program (SEP) every summer, which is a mobility program within IPSF that gives students from all over the world a chance to experience what pharmacy means outside their own borders. Join us for an info session today, October 12th at 5pm EST to hear from and ask questions about IPSF and SEP. The application for Summer 2022 is due on November 1st, 2021. Click here for the application form.

Mentor-Mentee Program

Join ASHP, Rho Chi, APhA-ASP, and Phi Lambda Sigma, in our annual Mentor-Mentee program. Connect with students of all years of pharmacy school and different pharmacy organizations! Third year (PY1) and below act as mentees and Fourth years (PY2) and above act as mentors! Sign-ups close on October 15 at 5pm EST and matches will be released the following week. Sign up by filling out our mentor-mentee match questionnaire! Click here or scan the QR code on the flyer.

MRM Information Session

Our MRM Information Session is tomorrow, October 13th at 6pm EST on Zoom. Scan the QR code below to join.

Amgen Series Welcome to the Fall Semester of the Amgen Educational Outreach Program Biotech Lecture Series!⁣⁣

Amgen is an American multinational biopharmaceutical company headquartered in California. One of the world's largest independent biotechnology companies.⁣⁣

We would like to invite you to this year’s collaboration series with Amgen. This collaboration will take place every Thursday from October 7th to November 11th on Webex. Each lecture will be 40-50 minutes long with time for questions at the end and we will have 2 lectures during each session. ⁣⁣

This is an event that is shared among other universities, so we will like you to take this as an opportunity to network and share your opinions with other graduate students.⁣ ⁣

Click here for the WebEx link.

CV & Resume Workshop

Rho Chi Honor Society and APhA-ASP will be hosting a CV & Resume Workshop on October 25th from 3:00-4:00pm EST in White Hall (W300). Melissa Hawkins, M.Ed., Director of Career Services, will teach some tips on writing and formatting your CV or resume. Bring your CV or resume with you to be reviewed! Participants will receive a notebook and sticky notes.

Step Challenge

Operation Heart is hosting a step challenge starting October 11th through November 12th. Weekly winners and top 3 finalists with the highest number of total steps will receive a gift card! Submit your steps by Sunday 6:00 PM each week (by Friday 11:59 PM for the last week) using the QR code on the flyer.

Yoga Session

Please come join APhA-ASP Operation Diabetes in a virtual yoga session to promote a healthy lifestyle. Active participants will be eligible to win one of three prizes. This event is October 28th at 6:30pm EST on Zoom. Click here for the Zoom link. The passcode is 224452.

Yoga Session

Please come join APhA-ASP Operation Diabetes in a virtual yoga session to promote a healthy lifestyle. Active participants will be eligible to win one of three prizes. This event is November 11th at 6:30pm EST on Zoom. Click here for the Zoom link. The passcode is 371920.

ecome a national member with us through the link below and remember to renew your membership if you haven't!

Contact our executive board members by clicking on their names:

President: Christie Ma

President-elect: Mai Le

Membership VP: Sabrina Zhang

Communications VP: Jeet Sheth

Treasurer: Hannah Ashton

Treasurer-elect: Chris (Caiqi) Wei

Policy VP: Jianxiang WengPatient Care VP: Tiana (Tien) Le

Operation Immunization: Kevin Liu

Operation SUD: Colby Chatoff

Operation Heart: Noheul (Raina) Kim

Operation Women's Health: Yuan-Yuan Lin

Operation OTC: Nicholas Phan

Operation Diabetes: Ashley Parola

IPSF VP: Jiwon Jeong


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